ELF2 is a heavily polished vehicle. It is a sum of our experiences gathered by designing and constructing Electric Multiple Units.

Electric Multiple Unit used for regional and agglomerative transport

Maciej Maciejewski

Sales Director for the railway market

Tailor-made configurations from 2 to 8 units.

Eksploatowany przez:  Polregio,  Koleje Wielkopolskie,  Koleje Śląskie,  Małopolskie,  Podkarpackie,  Podkarpackie (niepodległościowy),  Koleje Dolnośląskie


Used by: Silesian Railways, Polregio
Used by: Silesian Railways
Used by: Silesian Railways
Used by: Koleje Wielkopolskie

4 collision scenarios, ready for every one of them

Elf2 cabins have been strengthen with steel of highest possible parameters. Additional aluminum block behind a cabin or so called „honeycomb” absorbs the energy during collisions. Installed absorbers capture the frontal energy and help the train to avoid overlapping the other in the event of a crash. Automated couplers and amortizing sweeper protect people and the vehicle. Construction of this train is tested accordingly to the European standard in the form of 4 collision scenarios – one with a vehicle of the same mass, one with freight car, one with a truck, and one with a passenger vehicle/automobile.

Klatka kabiny maszynisty
Absorbery energii
Honey comb

Regional travel, yet a comfort one or a regional drive towards comfort.

Elf is a modern vehicle with a possibility of the adjustment of the build depending on the length of a track. Modern passenger information systems and WiFi increase a comfort of a journey. There’s a lift for disabled passengers as well as a dedicated toilet. Outside doors in the machinist cabin contribute to an easier access to a vehicle as well as make eventual evacuation a much simpler process.

Zobacz film

The comfortable and modern train

  • 160 km/h

  • Wi - Fi


  • The highest possible
    security standards

    EN 15227

Basic technical data of Elfa 2

  • Track gauge

    1 435 mm

  • Total length

    42830 mm - 106430 mm

  • Width of the vehicle body

    2 840 mm

  • Height

    4 300 mm

  • Floor height

    760 mm - 900 mm

  • Number of seats

    100 - 280

  • Maximum speed

    160 km/h

  • Traction engine power

    1600 kW - 3200 kW

  • Structure strength

    kategoria P - II zgodnie z EN 12663

  • Crashworthiness

    C-1 wg EN 15227

Elektryczne zespoły trakcyjne PESA

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